Uncover new opportunity horizons through our offerings
Our research and development at the frontiers of AI and emerging technologies allows organizations to solve challenges, transform and thrive in the new Geoetch economy.
Our Services
Global Research Boards and BlindSpots Radars
Gathering intelligence and generating insights on actors and trends in your critical path
Emerging Flashpoint Diagnostic
Proactively positioning clients in evolving landscapes to enable resilient strategies, solutions or supply chain designs
Actor Mapping, Scenario Planning and Wargaming
Dynamically mapping new patterns and power shifts in actor landscapes across markets, capital and IP
Lightning Talks and Keynotes
Leveraging analysis to open mindsets, building momentum and creating urgency and inspiration toward a new “True North”
Coaching, Seminars and Conferences
Anchoring analysis to realign teams, agendas and tools to rapidly develop new capacities and collaborations
With a presence in Silicon Valley and other major innovation and entrepreneurship hubs worldwide, Cambrian develops learning journeys for domestic and international clients.
Executive Field-trips
We fuse visits in research labs, startups, corporations, banks, VCs and regional industry associations with orthogonal elements, such as challenge hackathons and social hours, that are thematically aligned with the journey’s purpose.
Research Lab
Immersive visits to cutting-edge research labs
Immersive visits to cutting-edge research labs
Immersive visits to cutting-edge research labs
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