January 24, 2019

SAMSUNG FORUM: Humanity in a World of Thinking Machines & the question if there is an AI race


We are entering the Cognitive Era in which decisions will increasingly be made by humans and machines in concert, each – ostensibly – relying on their specific strengths. The authors of “Solomon’s Code,” Olaf Groth & Mark Nitzberg, have dubbed this “symbio-intelligence.” This opens tremendous growth horizons for the economy and for humans and society in general, but also many pitfalls. Based on the book and a separate study of 13 national AI strategies (US, Canada, UK, Finland, Germany, France, Israel, Russia, India, Singapore, South Korea, Japan and China), this talk and fireside chat explores global AI horizons demonstrating the diversity of innovation and philosophies at work and prescribes governance mechanisms to ensure our innovations stay human-centric and ethical.

Olaf Groth

Co-Founder, CEO

Futurist and strategist for transformations of economies, industries, and organizations driven by AI, data and compute at the center of geostrategic competition.